Perth, Western Australia 6000

1800 126 337

Strategic planning helps your organisation to create a framework for decision making, define a way of operating to achieve long-term growth horizons and identifies the short-term priorities. Selecting the correct strategic planning methodology is based on your business's underlying strategic value. Choosing the right methodology can progress strategic goals in a shorter time and aligns precious resources, the opposite is true with the wrong methodology.  

Strategy CODES assists organisations to select the right methodology, facilitate of the strategic planning process and write-up the planning documentation for small business, start-ups, large corporations and government entities alike.

B2B marketing is all about accessing the buying committee of your customer through a clear go-to-market strategy. The process starts with the correct assessment of the market and account segmentation, identifying the buying committee and buying journey. From there we are able to utilise the CODES decision framework to formulate a demand generation and full-funnel marketing plan that drives awareness and interest in your product or service for each stage of the buying journey.

Strategy CODES supports start-up founders, services and product based businesses with an effective B2B marketing strategy to predictably grow their businesses.

Our unique approach avoids wasting money on trial & error marketing, the CODES decision framework leverages your business's underlying stategic value to identify the correct marketing strategies to attract and convert your target market into customers. The strategy includes branding & positioning, content marketing, social media, online advertising campaigns (i.e. funnels), email marketing, website scope & structure, marketing resources, budget, metrics and more. 

Strategy CODES assesses over 200 online marketing tactics against your unique CODES to prioritise marketing actvities that gets results fast, even on a tiny budget.


Strategic planning helps your organisation to create a framework for decision making, define a way of operating to achieve long-term growth horizons and identifies the short-term priorities. Selecting the correct strategic planning methodology is based on your business's underlying strategic value. Choosing the right methodology can progress strategic goals in a shorter time and aligns precious resources, the opposite is true with the wrong methodology.  

Strategy CODES assists organisations to select the right methodology, facilitate of the strategic planning process and write-up the planning documentation for small business, start-ups, large corporations and government entities alike.


B2B marketing is all about accessing the buying committee of your customer through a clear go-to-market strategy. The process starts with the correct assessment of the market and account segmentation, identifying the buying committee and buying journey. From there we are able to utilise the CODES decision framework to formulate a demand generation and full-funnel marketing plan that drives awareness and interest in your product or service for each stage of the buying journey.

Strategy CODES supports start-up founders, services and product based businesses with an effective B2B marketing strategy to predictably grow their businesses.


Our unique approach avoids wasting money on trial & error marketing, the CODES decision framework leverages your business's underlying stategic value to identify the correct marketing strategies to attract and convert your target market into customers. The strategy includes branding & positioning, content marketing, social media, online advertising campaigns (i.e. funnels), email marketing, website scope & structure, marketing resources, budget, metrics and more. 

Strategy CODES assesses over 200 online marketing tactics against your unique CODES to prioritise marketing actvities that gets results fast, even on a tiny budget.

How Do You Want To Grow?

Building your consultancy or coaching business doesn't have to be hard, but most of the time, it is! 

Why is that? 

It's because we're trying so many things in multiple directions at one time.
Generate new business, follow up with leads, take care of clients...there is literally too much to do. 

Whichever you are, we help design the business you WANT and automate so that you can spend more time doing what you love.

Which one of these do you need RIGHT NOW?

Watch Now:


Find Quality Leads

If relying on referrals or tried a bit of marketing and it didn't work and there's no pipeline of leads, then start here.

We can help unlock your market and start seeing new leads today.

Time Freedom

If you're being pulled in every direction and your clients all want different things, then time freedom is the issue.

We'll systemise what you do and have clients loving it.

Close More Clients

Not being able to close clients quickly and sending proposals, quotes and tons of follow up then closing clients is the issue.

We show you how to make closing a breeze and stop chasing. 

Strategy CODES

There’s an underlying strategic code that exists in every business. Once unlocked, it provides you with a blueprint to align your business resources and accelerate market leadership.

It’s the bridge between strategy and marketing that elevates your business to achieve results, fast.

CODES is a strategic marketing decision framework to clearly define that demystifies the digital landscape, helps create compelling offers magnetically attracting your market and provides the much-needed clarity to close more business.

Strategy CODES helps you to uncover your business’s best marketing strategy and start seeing results today...


Our proprietary frameworks takes your business from ordinary to extraordinary.

CODES is a strategic marketing decision tool that has 5 key factors that once decided, lay the blueprint for your business growth

Your CODES are unique to your business with over 144 combinations that then used to assess over 200 marketing tactics for the perfect marketing plan. It's understandable why so many business find marketing strategy so hard. At Strategy CODES we put you back in the driver seat able to effectively manage your marketing spend to get greater results. 

Let us help grow your business today!


In every business lies one of three ways to create value for your market. Once decided, it determines over 70% of your marketing and is the key to structuring your marketing.


All marketing focuses on one of three key objectives or outcomes and, when combined with your CORE defines the structure for your campaigns, website and email automation.


Your brand comes from combinating of the both sides of the equation, the business side (CO) and the market side (DES) to correctly position the brand,  messaging, imagery and tone.


Your market buys based on their desired transformation. There are four core desires your market wants secretly wants to achieve from buying your product or service.


The level of education and entertainment required to convert your market defines your website content strategy and social media strategy and SEO requriements.


The industry and segment unlocks the best social and search platforms for you to advertise on, so you don't waste time and money advertising on the wrong platforms. 

Delivers you new business and competitive advantage


Unlock your marketing and start attacting more customers 

Ready to
take control of
your marketing?

Hello, I'm Chris

I’ve spent the past 30 years in strategy and marketing having worked with multiple billion-dollar companies. I’ve launched brands that overtook major national players within 3 months, delivered websites with 900% ROI and campaigns that drove 14x ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) for large-scale service based businesses.

One of the biggest challenges I continue to see in businesses of all sizes, is knowing what marketing they need.

“This led me to create Strategy CODES a simple framework to unlock the marketing potential of a business and lay out the blueprint of how to effectively attract, engage, convert and deliver new business.”

The methods and strategies I share have been responsible for developing market leadership positions and significant growth.

Without them, you’ll waste your time with effort guessing how to get your business into gear. With it, you’ll eliminate all the guesswork and see real results and new customers every day.

The Number One Reason Why Online Marketing Fails Is

Misalignment to
the Strategic Objectives

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of unique reasons your business could be struggling and ultimately unless we address those as quickly as possible, failure from running out of cash, being over committed and not getting customers, is likely.  We developed Strategy CODES to combat this. It gets you to make a few critical decisions which means you're more likely to succeed in the long run and help laser focus your marketing so you're not wasting time, money and effort in the wrong areas. 

Once you have your Strategy CODES plan you can decide to brief an agency to implement it, or let us help you or your team do the implementation. What we found is if we upskill your business in the first few years of operation, you're more likely to succeed in your marketing efforts and beat the competition. Relying entirely on agencies can mean be hit and miss, but at least with a Strategy CODES plan you'll be more likely to succeed. The other reason we like to get you involved in the marketing is it demystifies it and you're much more likely to be passionate about watching the numbers, seeing the trends and then will know what needs to change compared to an agency that is only looking at once a month. That's why we changed our business model to better suit a solution that ultimately makes us redundant and you successful.

CODES combines the fundamental framework that successful companies have, into an easy-to-adopt method. It combines five elements that are used to structure your marketing. Don’t take our word for it, if you schedule a call today, we will share the CODES framework with you immediately, and you’ll quickly understand how knowing this will transform your business and your marketing.

The Strategy is the critical piece for the training and mentoring, it sets up what the business should be focused on. Without it your marketing just isn't as effective. It helps you and us decide the right path, how quickly you'll see results and much training or mentoring you'll need. If it's a matter of timing because you need cash in quickly we can do some emergency triage on your marketing to help. Please let us know that in your first session.

The training focuses on the core activities required to delviery the strategy and the results. We give you simple step-by-step training so you can draft, build or buy your marketing like a pro. The mentoring is anywhere you get stuck, want something reviewed or checked or need an expert to do it for you. The mentoring let's you see behind the scenes and means you can feel confident your on the right path. Unlike normal training courses or consulting we are upskilling you to be able to market your business effectively. In the future if you ever need our help you can just purhase a once off session to help. 

This comes down to how much you can get done we typically recommend no longer than 2 weeks between sessions and no sooner than once a week, unless you have a deadline. That gives you and your team enough time to implement the tasks and be ready for the next activity. We keep you on track and accountable so your investment in building your business returns a result. 

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